Miriah Whitehurst - July 2018 Entrepreneur of the Month
The NIACC Pappajohn Center and North Iowa Area SBDC are proud to recognize Miriah Whitehurst of All Things Advertising as the Pappajohn Center Entrepreneur of the Month for July 2018. Miriah founded All Things Advertising when she realized she could use her passion for advertising to make a difference in her community. All Things Advertising provides digital marketing solutions to North Iowa businesses, including website design, custom graphic and logo design, creative writing services, email marketing, and social media management. Her focus is on helping North Iowa’s economic ecosystem flourish by connecting customers to businesses and fostering relationships.
Miriah graduated with honors from Buena Vista University for Business Management after graduating from the North Iowa Area Community College for Sales and Marketing. After graduating, she worked full time while also freelancing. Miriah began freelancing in 2013, and by 2015 she knew she was ready to take the leap and start her own full-time business. Miriah felt the satisfaction of helping companies grow through her marketing services, and knew that starting her own business would allow her to make even more of a difference in her community.
Miriah began working with the Pappajohn Center in 2016. She began with a Start Smart class and quickly began to grow. Miriah is a great example of a fearless young entrepreneur with a commitment to building a stronger North Iowa. She has close ties to her community and is inspired to inspire other area entrepreneurs. Miriah has been featured at the Pappajohn Center’s Launch & Grow Your Business course as a speaker, and has also presented at the Pappajohn Center’s Youth Entrepreneurial Academy, the Verizon Stem Camp for Girls, the NIACC Career Day, and the Pappajohn Center’s Entrepreneur Exchange series. Miriah is creating opportunities in North Iowa and contributing to the region’s economic strength by helping other local businesses grow and thrive.
Miriah said, “I hold true to our mission: to capture the essence of every business we work with and market it in innovative ways so that clients love them. We believe in locally made products, we believe in startups, we believe in founders with true passion for what they do. I wouldn’t be here without the support of the community and the North Iowa Area SBDC / Pappajohn Center. It’s been a fun ride turning my visions into reality. I hope to see the growth of All Things Advertising continue, and the growth of our community and community businesses as well.”