North Iowa's Economic Developers - June 2020 Entrepreneurs of the Month
The NIACC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center and North Iowa Area SBDC are pleased to recognize North Iowa’s Economic Developers as the June 2020 Entrepreneurs of the Month.
When the global COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns began to affect our communities, your local economic developers stepped up to say, “How can we help?” North Iowa’s economic developers have been working tirelessly to support your locally-owned businesses and be their advocate on the regional, state, and national levels, while also forging full steam ahead in their business attraction and retention strategies. The Pappajohn Center and SBDC want to salute these organizations for all of their hard work and the many ways that they are supporting and promoting our local business owners.
Economic development organizations create jobs, improve quality of life, and increase investment in our local economies. Economic development is a broad field with a lot of moving parts, from business retention and expansion to serving as the link to city, state, or federal resources. Your local economic developers have been working to improve the business environment of their communities, even through the current global pandemic. By focusing every day on progress, they’re working to help get North Iowa’s businesses through these difficult times and position our communities for future success when the world returns to “business as usual”.
Please find your local Economic Development organization’s director, staff member, or volunteer to thank them and continue to support these organizations. Brook Boehmler, Regional Director of the North Iowa Area SBDC, said, “North Iowa’s economic developers have focused on how they can help businesses now while also keeping their eye on the future. As we move through these difficult conditions, working together to lay a solid foundation for business success is more important than ever.”
Charles City Area Development Corporation | Tim Fox, Executive Director
641-228-3020 | tfox@charlescityia.com
Forest City Economic Development | Beth Bilyeu, Executive Director
641-585-5560 | beth@forestcityia.com
Franklin County Development | Katie LaBree, Executive Director
641-456-5668 | fcadirector@gmail.com
Hancock County Economic Development | Jill Kramer, Executive Director
641-923-9921 | director@hancockcountyiowa.com
Mitchell County Economic Development Corporation | Tony Stonecypher, Executive Director
641-732-4790 | mcedcdirector@osage.net
North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Corporation | Chad Schreck, President & CEO
641-423-0315 | cschreck@northiowacorridor.com
Winn-Worth BETCO | Melissa Michaelis, Executive Director
641-592-0800 | director@winn-worthbetco.com
Wright County Economic Development Corporation | Cindy Litwiller, Director
515-532-6422 | wced@co.wright.ia.us